Constant Fields

class ClassWithStaticField
    public const string ConstField = "ConstField";

class ClassAccessingField
        public void MethodAccessingConstField()
            var a = ClassWithStaticField.ConstField;

Looking at the above example one might expect, that MethodAccessingConstField should have a type dependency to ClassWithStaticField. In fact the compiler only generates a Ldstr opcode indicating that a constant string is stored in var a. It therefore is not possible to find out from where the constant field came.

public void MethodAccessToConstFieldFound()
    var method = Architecture.GetClassOfType(typeof(ClassAccessingField)).GetMethodMembers()
        .First(member => member.FullNameContains("MethodAccessingConstField"));
    var methodTypeDependencies = method.GetTypeDependencies().ToList();
    Assert.Contains(Architecture.GetClassOfType(typeof(ClassWithStaticField)), methodTypeDependencies);

This test for example would fail, because no methodTypeDependency is created.